朱古力脆米的脆目感覺加上朱古力的甜美, 我好喜歡喔!
再加上一7哂7裝飾, 整個就是聖誕FEEL~

No oven recipe is finally coming again!
You can make this little cute gift with just only 4 ingredients~
The creepy of choco rice and the sweetness of chocolate, I love it so much!
Make it more Christmas style with few step of decoration~

Ingredients for Choco Rice Crispy 朱古力米通

Choco Rice Cereals 60g 可可米 60克
Black Chocolate 60g 黑朱古力 60克
White Chocolate 60g 白朱古力 60克
Pistachio 開心果
M&M’s Chocolate M&M’s聰明豆

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