Tapioca Custard Pudding 焗紅豆西米布丁
在做完月餅後, 你手上一定會剩下吉士粉及紅豆餡
所以, 做紅豆西米布丁是個好方法去消滅這些材料喔
這個布丁是一個好傳統的甜點, 以前是在茶樓(賣點心的地方)賣的~
After making moon cake, you will still having custard powder or red bean paste on hand.
Therefore, making tapioca custard pudding is the best way!
It is one of the oldest dessert which is selling in dim sum restaurant in the past.
I believe you will like it too!^^
Ingredient of Tapioca Custard Pudding 焗紅豆西米布丁
Ingredients for Red Bean Paste 紅豆餡食譜
Red Bean 140g 紅豆 140克
Sugar 80g 糖 80克
Ingredients for Tapioca Custard Pudding
Tapioca 100g 西米 100克
Custard powder 4tbsp 吉士粉 4茶匙
Milk 2boxs(472ml) 鮮奶 2盒(472毫升)
Evaporated milk 130ml 花奶 130毫升
Sugar 90g 糖90克
2 Egg 雞蛋 2隻
Melted butter 40g 溶牛油 40克
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