Mango Tofu Fa 芒果豆腐花
軟滑, 清甜和充滿豆香是這款甜品的特色
你也可以弄弄花樣, 加點不同的醬汁去吃~
這次我就做了芒果口味的 ~~
Tofu Fa is one of the Hong Kong traditional desserts. (Also my favorite ^^)
It is soft, sweet and full of the bean flavor.
You can't miss this!
You can also serve it with different sauces! :D
I make Mango flavor this time~
Ingredients of Mango Tofu Fa 芒果豆腐花
Ingredients for Tofu Fa 豆腐花食譜
Soya Milk 1000ml 豆漿1公升
Gypsum Powder 1.5 tsp 石膏粉 1.5茶匙
Corn Flour 1tsp 生粉 1茶匙
Water 2 tbs 水 2湯匙
1. Put Gypsum Powder and Corn Flour into water, mix well.
2. Pour Soya Milk into a pan and bring it to boil with medium heat.
3. Pour the mixture into the large bowl.
4. Put the Soya milk into the large bowl immediately.
5. Cover the clean towel and put the lid on.
6. Don't move or stir it. Let it set for 30-45 minutes.
Ingredients for Mango Sauce 芒果醬
1 Mango 芒果 1個
Water 2 tps 水 2湯匙
Honey 1tps 蜜糖 1湯匙
1. Put all ingredients into food mixers and mix it for a minute.
2. Freeze Tofu Fa and mango sauce for an hour.
3. Add some Mango sauce on the top of Tofu Fa and serve.
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