我很喜歡去野餐的, 但食物通常都是一個比較大的苦惱問題
所以, 我很想把自己的經驗跟大家分享
因為的確是有這樣的食物, 即使涼掉還是很好吃的, 非常適合帶去野餐
잡채是其中一道, 它超簡單的~不用擔心

This is one of the dish of my panic menu.
I love going to panic. But it always being a problem that what food should I bring to panic.
Therefore, I wanna share my experience with you guys. 
There are some foods which are still delicious after some times.
잡채 is one of them. And it is very easy to make. 
I am sure your friends will like it!

Ingredients for Korean fried glass noodles 韓式炒粉絲 잡채

Glass Noodles 200g 韓式粉絲 200克
1/2 Green Bell Pepper 青椒 1/2個
1/3 Carrot 紅蘿蔔 1/3條
Soy Sauce 醬油
Salt 鹽

For Mixing sauce 拌料:
Soy Sauce 3 Tbsp 醬油 3湯匙
Sugar 1 Tbsp 糖 1湯匙
Sesame Oil 1 Tbsp 麻油 1湯匙
Black pepper 黑胡椒

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