比起裝飾南瓜, 我還不如把青椒弄得可愛一點來做我的餐點
偶爾在網上看到這個做法, 我覺得這個主意超好的!
所以, 我設計了比較合乎我們口味的餐單去做這個

Rather than cutting a pumpkin for decoration, I would cut the bell peppers for my meal.
I randomly saw it in the internet. I think it is so awesome!
Therefore, I design a special menu to this stuffed peppers to more suitable to us.
Halloween recipe for 2015 are mission completed!

Ingredients for Stuffed Bell Peppers 怪誕青椒杯

3 Bell Peppers 燈籠椒3個
Cooked rice 500g 飯 500克
1 Egg 雞蛋 1隻
Ketchup 30g 茄汁 30克
Cheese(optional) 芝士(可不加)
3 Tomato 蕃茄3個
Tomato puree 40g 蕃茄膏 40克
Black Pepper 黑胡椒
Rosemary 迷迭香
Thyme 百里香

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