Gudetama Rice Burger 蛋黃哥米漢堡
Ingredients for Gudetama Rice Burger 蛋黃哥米漢堡
(Recipe for 4 people 4人份量)
Ground Beef 190g 碎牛肉 190克
Ground Pork 190g 碎豬肉 190克
1 Egg 雞蛋 1隻
Corn starch 2tsp 粟粉 2茶匙
White Wine 白酒
Black pepper 黑胡椒
Tomato 蕃茄
Lettuce 生菜
Seaweed 紫菜
Rice 飯
(one cup per person 每人一碗份量)
Boiled egg yolk 熟蛋黃
Sauce Recipe per person 醬汁食譜(1人份量)
Sugar 1tbsp 糖 1湯匙
Soy sauce 1tbsp 豉油 1湯匙
Water 2tbsp 水 2湯匙
Black pepper黑胡椒
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