For Pokemon, I am not really into Jigglypugg honestly. LOL but it always being so cute in animation.So I decided to make a fantasy pink pancake for it. The pink colouring came from raspberry puree and also a little bit pink colouring. When you eat it, you will know it made by raspberry as the flavour is so stron!I If you like fruity food, don't miss this. I hope you guy will like this and try it out later~

就小精靈來說,老實講我沒有很喜歡波波球啦。但是我記得它就是一個很可愛的角色呀~ 所以我就決定為它做一個夢幻粉紅的熱香餅。粉紅色是來自於紅莓果泥跟一點點的色素。當你吃的時候,應該第1時間就吃得出來了。它的紅莓味道是濃的! 如果你歡水果味重一點的食物,這個很適合你們哦。希望你們會喜歡啦~

Ingredients for Jigglypuff Pancake 波波球班戟 
(Recipe for 5 Pancakes 5塊班戟份量)

1 Egg Yolk 蛋黃 1個
Sugar  15g  糖 15克
Oil 10g  油 10克
Raspberry Puree 30g  紅莓果泥 30克
Milk 20g  牛奶 20克

1 Egg White 蛋白1個
Sugar 10g 糖 10克
Lemon juice 檸檬汁

White chocolate  白朱古力
Dark chocolate chips  黑朱古力片
Dark chocolate   黑朱古力
Honey  蜜糖
Raspberry  紅莓

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